
Why Choose Anti Bird Spikes?

Why Choose Jinshi Bird Control Spikes?


Bird droppings harm roofs and facades, its nesting material and droppings clogged gutters.Bird carry pests, parasites and diseases. All these threat to humans.


JinShi Have Specialize in R&D of Bird Control Products for 10 Years


A comparison diagram about the before installation and after installation.

JinShi bird spikes are made of 304/316 stainless steel or 100% polycarbonate. It is a combination of stainless spring steel wire and UV resistant polycarbonate bar. We chose the 304/316 stainless steel as material, because it is impact resistant and more resistant to bending than other metal. All anti-bird spikes are both available in 2 to 6-row spike prongs.


Our products advantages


Visually nearly invisible bird control solutions.

Use environmentally friendly and animal protection compliant bird control systems.

All of the materials for bird control are shatterproof, UV and weather resistant, frost resistant.

For almost any application: whether on flat or conical building roofs, poles, house walls, windows and eaves, or on hoardings and billboards.

JinShi bird spikes can be easily mounted and bring optimal protection against pigeon infestation.

Free initial consultation, quality materials and professional installation for you.

We would be delighted if you choose our products. For more information and inquiries, we are happy to help you.

Post time: Oct-24-2020